It was a flight that changed my life
I would find my wife
I would live in strife
I would discover love and loss
I would get stuck in clunky moss
I discovered my albatross
Our eyes kept meeting
My heart kept fluttering
We had drinks and touched each other’s hands
We stood under a bridge
You tried to convince me that one kiss meant nothing
A kiss was just a kiss
That one kiss meant everything
It turned my life upside down
I went from being lonely to in love in no time flat
Now I had another secret to hide
I spilled my soul
Our kiss took a toll
We lived on the other side of the world
And I was happy
I still had two lives, one at work and one at home
But for the first time they were equal
I was writing my sequel
My life would bounce between gleeful and upheaval
I snuck away for long lunches
We stayed in bed for extra hours
In no time at all
You moved in
And I was happy
We shared everything
Explored the unknown
Laid on the beach late at night
Shared more than I knew
Cried when we thought our time together had come to an end
You were my best friend
The one person whom I could depend
But we did not let go
We were committed
And finally, I came home
To try and find happiness in the light of day
I find a home where I wanted to stay
I struggled to know who I was
I struggled to know who you were
We lived together
We lived apart
We tried many times to let our hearts take the lead
Neither of us wanted to mislead
I was still living two lives
No one can succeed for very long living two lives
Eventually the lies invade the happiness
And a once happy heart
Feels the sting of pain
You must make a choice
To say goodbye or live and rejoice
So, I shared my secret with my family to try and find balance
They did not accept you
But I only knew happiness with you
I fought so hard
But I could never live up to your expectations
Old habits just find new homes
But I kept on fighting to be the person you wanted
I tried the best I could
But it was never enough
But still I tried until I cried
And cried
And cried
At our best we fought alongside each other for what was right
For what was ours to own
My family kept tearing us down
I embarrassed them in a way they could not accept
The invalidation was too much
For me to bear
I was scared
But I kept fighting for my heart
I wanted a brand-new start
We stood looking out at Lady Liberty
A symbol of hope
A brand-new start
I gave you my hand
You asked me to hold it forever
At least that is what I thought
And I said yes
To a brand-new start
But all girls need a ring
So, I took you to Brooklyn
And we looked at the Lady from the other side
I said we may always see things differently at first glance
But this ring says let’s take the chance
Because love is love
And we can fight
For the right
To be happy
We planned the perfect wedding
A weekend in the fall mountain air
A beautiful setting to show we care
Some family were not on our side
But we fought through the pain
To exchange our vows
Declare our love
To prove to the world
That hate would not intimidate
We played games
Sat by the fire
Had our hair done up
And the taken down
We had no one to walk us down an aisle
So, we took our vows in the round
We stood before our friends and family
And made a promise
A promise I never broke
But in some ways
I always knew
You never meant forever
Never ever whatsoever
I cried when the ceremony was done
I thought I was crying because my parents weren’t there
Maybe in hindsight
I had foresight
Of the end
That I would not be able to mend
Nonetheless that night we danced
Girls just want to have fun
We danced so two could become one
We had many good years to follow
My heart was full
I lived a life out in the open for the very first time
I forgot about my secrets
I was playful
I was in love
I was loved
We started a family
It was not easy
But it was worth all the struggles
We went from two to four
I was living the dream
Our house was filled with laughter
I was hoping for happily ever after
We took a second vow
This time we knew how
Family still struggled
But we just snuggled
In our happiness
And the glow of love
But the glow only shed light
On the fight
That was to come
I worked really hard during this time
I was trying to create the most opportunities for our family
I didn’t realize what a mistake I was making
I thought I was working for my family
It turned out I was working against my family
I did not know it
I could not hear it
I did not understand it
Turns out I was more an observer of my family
Then a participant in it
But I was happy
I did not know how to interact
I never learned
But I loved watching and being part of a family
It’s the only thing I ever wanted in life
I thought life was perfect
But it was not as I reflect
Perfect does not exist
Perfect implies that the same ideal is exactly right for everyone
But just like we made a promise from two side of Lady Liberty
And saw two different versions of perfection
Neither was true for the other
I thought through pure desire
And the power of a common vision
We could find middle ground
But that was not to be found
My ground turned one way
Yours the other
They never stopped on the same spot at the same time
We passed each other like strangers
The more our spheres circled away from each other
The harder it was to hear each other
We never yelled
We lived in quiet fear
Watching a dream disappear
We will each say we tried
I do not know if that is true
If we each tried
We could not align our souls
We must have had different goals
As painful as coming together was twenty years earlier
Tearing apart was much harder
Building is filled with hope
Disassembling is filled with regret
Building is filled with compassion
Disassembling is filled with fear
Building is filled with freedom
Disassembling is filled with loneliness
I can remember the love
I still feel the love in all the hate
I am so lonely
So scared
So sad
So mad
I think about standing under the bridge
I wonder what would have happened if I walked away from the kiss
The pain almost makes we wish I had
Then I wouldn’t be so sad
So mad`
When will my pain disappear
It seems like you never felt sad
Or had regrets
For breaking apart our family
What do I not see
How do I not know how to look ahead
How could I have so badly misread
I believe in forever
You believe in now
The two are not compatible lovers
Pain is all the hovers
Over my head
There is so much unsaid
I love you still today
I wish this ended a different way