When the day you dream of all your life - is not perfect
I waited for this day all my life
To be a wife
Now I never thought that I would have a wife as well
But what the hell
Life takes many twists and turns
And I learned to give into my heart
Stand up tall
Declare to all
I am taking a wife
It was a chilly fall mountain day
We had drinks before the ceremony
To put everyone at ease
Mostly the two brides
We needed some liquid courage
To stand before our friends and family and declare
We love each other
We are two becoming one
Let’s celebrate under the sun
We were two women
With only one mom that day
But that was ok
The other mom chose to stay far away
The chairs were lined up
With a center aisle
Oh know, take the aisle away
We have no one to walk us down
We will get married in the round
Our friends signed the Ketubah
10 people popped up to share a poem of love
Our friend read a speech
I was filled with pride
Until the moment the ceremony ended
I stood at looked for him
My dad who ever let me down
Did he really not come
Was I that unworthy
All I could do was cry
And wonder why
The evening unfolded
It was not ideal
I began to realize
I was an imperfect bride
Where was I to hide
But that was Day One
Of a ceremony that would become undone