The best thing about being a mom
Is watching your boys grow
Into the persons they are destined to be
I remember the very first sight of each of my sons
It was a black and white photo
When they were still in the womb
Neither of them were in my belly
But my own pain
Was washed away
By knowing I was about to be a mom
From the moment I saw them
They each had a name
That name tied them to me
In ways that are so strong
I was sure nothing could go wrong
One held on to my shirt
As if to say
I am yours
Never let me stray
The other needed to be held all night long
Walking around
Singing a song
The bond was immediate and strong
As the years passed
What they needed was different
Each growing into their own person
That’s for certain
One always wanted to cuddle
One wanted to be more independent
They both had me on a string
They each were a king
As time went by
Struggles pursued
Everyday was not the bliss
Of waiting for a smile
Or a giggle
Or first step
Or a hug
Conversations became real
We were all learning how to get along
To feel safe and belong
The one thing I will always know
Is that being a mom is the best part of life
Even with some of the strife
They are not who I thought they’d be
From the first black and white photograph
I saw
They are better
They are real
They are strong
they are weak
Sometimes they are mean
They are who they want to be
My love has set them free
To be who they are
Sometimes a little bizarre
Each following their own path
One that I could not foresee
But I couldn’t be prouder
Or cheer for them louder
Be who you want to be
Live life on your terms
I will always be here to affirm